Luke Springer, known by his online followers as internationally renowned internet teacher sensation, Mr. Luke, is a beloved teacher based in Adelaide who teaches children in their first year of school. With almost a decade of teaching experience under his belt and a passion for plants, Luke shares his experiences and the joys of being a male junior primary educator through engaging content online.
Since beginning his social media journey in 2019, Luke has amassed over 1.8 million followers on TikTok and almost 1 million followers on Instagram. He has captivated a large audience with his humorous and heart-warming videos about teaching ‘tiny humans.’ He frequently shares the funny and endearing things his students say and do, bringing smiles to his followers’ faces.
Luke has previously worked with the Department of Education Australia and Rolling Stone and has spoken at national conferences and university information sessions. He has also appeared on Playschool Story Time and voiced characters on ABC Reef School.