Jonathan Bentley is an award-winning author and illustrator, with over 30 books published, including books for Margaret Wild and The Wiggles. His most recent titles include, Grump, We are all Kind, We are all Equal, We are All Strong, and his newest book series, Bad Bunny. When illustrating, he likes to work with a range of materials, including acrylics, oils, and line and watercolour, as well as using digital mediums. Jonathan currently divides his time between Australia and Europe.
‘I like to play tricks and pick my nose! I put spicy sauce on vegetables and bathe myself in slime. That’s why they call me Bad Bunny!’
But when a fox comes into the woods, can Bad Bunny save the day? And is he really bad after all?
‘Good bunnies are so boring! I’m going way down there Into the deepest, darkest forest where the beasties wait to scare!’ Bad Bunny isn’t like the other bunnies. Maybe he belongs in the woods with the beasties. Or is he not quite as bad as everyone thinks?